Rick’s Righting: August 7, 2020

From the Pastor

In the Gospels, we read about storm tossed disciples. Twice the close followers of Jesus find themselves in an angry sea of Galilee. The first time, Jesus is asleep in the boat, and the second, they are alone until Jesus comes to them, walking on the water. In both cases, the disciples were on the lake because Jesus had asked them to sail to the other side. In both cases, the storm around overwhelmed their fragile faith.

As an individual, a congregation or worldwide church, we seek to do what Jesus has asked. Sometimes without listening to God, we just move forward in our self-confidence. This is an admirable trait within our secular society. However, as a statement of faith and relationship with Christ, we are encouraged to live life with an ear towards Jesus.

We are not so different from the disciples. If we feel a storm is brewing, we may not want to push our boat into the water. We may not even agree that the boat ride is something we want or need to do. This is where the close relationship with Christ is so important to our lives and the world. In both troubled events on the sea, the disciples where close enough to Jesus to hear the initial command. Yet, in both cases the storm and struggle overcame their faith and confidence. In the storm of controversies and discourse, we can forget that the presence of God is among his people, sleeping peacefully in the boat or walking across the troubled waters. The Spirit of God is with us. The challenge is to listen and hear the strong quite voice of God when the storm of disagreement and heated debate rages around us.

Pray, mediate, and listen to the Lord daily and you may well be surprised by the peace filled wisdom you hear.

Pastor Rick