Rick’s Righting: October 2, 2020

From the Pastor

Jesus is not always an easy fit into our lives. Often, we find ourselves trying to trim down Jesus into our desires. It might seem that if we reduced him down, leaving off the parts we don’t like, we can come out of the Divine encounter unchanged. In the 1st century, the Apostle Paul likened Christians to “jars of clay” that held a great truth, Jesus Christ within them. A fragile vessel containing a great treasure. This picture of our life with Christ still works today.

The jar is fragile, while it is allowed to hold the treasure of Christ it cannot contain the powerful and beautiful Spirit, forcing the goodness of God into our desires. The clay will crack and it’s contents will pour out as the jar is broken. Fortunately, God is well practiced at putting us back together. We will look different, maybe a little patched in places, but there is strength and even beauty in what is remade by God. A perfected imperfection?

Join us Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and let’s look together at what God is making new.

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick