Rick’s Righting: October 30, 2020

From the Pastor

The All Saints Day service is a powerful worship experience, offering healing to the congregation and to each individual as we honor and remember those who have died, and celebrate the hope of Christ’s salvation. All Saints Day is not new but has deep roots in our Christian heritage. 

Like the Apostle Paul, we use “saints’ to signify the dedicated members of Christ’s church. Our saints are the people we ourselves have known and revered, as well as those who have served Christ through the ages. When we think of it this way, we realize how connected we are to “the great cloud of witnesses” who have loved God throughout the ages. 

A congregation shares the memory of all the people who have worshiped together. The stories of the saints and the living cannot be separated. They are often the people who encouraged, contributed to, or shaped our faith journey. As we remember others, we are reminded that one day we will also be a saint of the church. 

In the observance, scripture, and the word proclaimed, we consider what we have contributed or will contribute to the Body of Christ. All Saints Day gives us the opportunity to reflect on and give thanks for those who have been influential on our spiritual formation and growth. In turn, we are all are reminded of the influence our own lives can have upon others encouraging us to lead lives worthy of imitation in our walk with God. In this way, the service not only brings comfort but, encourages us to be active members of Christ’s church.

In our participation of the Lord’s Supper, we recognize the continuum of life. In our understanding of eternal life, we have the ability to tear down the walls of separation between life and death. Even in our mortality, we live in certain hope of life in God’s kingdom on earth and life beyond death. We are reminded that as Christians we are connected to all who went before us and this service gives us the opportunity to actively remember this grace of unbroken love and life. 

Join us this Sunday and celebrate and let’s celebrate together the love, grace, and life that Christ brings to the world.

God bless,
Pastor Rick